In our experience an alarming number of people purchase the wrong aircraft for their needs. Frequently this situation can so easily be avoided with some decent research, beginning quite simply with an informal chat for an hour or so about what exactly the aircraft will be required to do, and indeed whether or not aircraft ownership is the right path to follow. SpireJet can help to navigate this minefield by offering an honest purchase consultancy service and initially identifying the right model or family of models for the task. Further down the line industry experts in one particular line of aircraft can be recommended or subcontracted to fine-tune the precise requirement for the job.
Although (almost) nothing can detract from the sheer enjoyment and freedom of owning your own air transportation, there's quite a lot to consider. SpireJet will carefully explain all the requirements and costs involved and will pull no punches in providing genuine, real-life operating figures. We will furnish prospective buyers with all the information needed to make a decision about which aircraft, if any, would be a wise choice.
If you are considering purchasing an aircraft, or just wondering what owning an aircraft would be like, we would be delighted to talk to you. Contact us any time for a chat; we love talking about planes.